Recycling after Christmas – What can I do with Christmas waste?
Christmas is a time of year of excess, and that is shown in our waste and recycling! Did you know that recycling just six mince pie foil cases will save enough energy to watch a Christmas Day episode of Eastenders? That’s such a small contribution that we can all make over the festive period – but what else can we do to play our part?
Can I recycle Christmas Cards?
Yes! Recycle Christmas cards if they are made of card or paper, as well as the envelopes that they come in. The people of the UK exchange around 900 million Christmas cards each year! If they are covered in glitter or foil dispose of them with your general waste if it cannot be removed.
How can I recycle Wrapping Paper?
Do the ‘scrunch test’ on your wrapping paper to see if it can be recycled. If it stays in a ball once it has been scrunched its probably just paper and can be recycled in your paper bag. Remove sticky tape and bows! Remember if it has glitter or foil, this will go in general waste. Check with your local authority for full details as they may accept non-paper wrap.
How do I recycle Cardboard Boxes and Toy Packaging?
If you have children in the household, you will no doubt find yourself with a lot of cardboard to dispose of! Ensure you remove any ties or clips that held the toys in place and flatten the boxes down for easy manoeuvring. Cardboard envelopes from your online purchases can be recycled too – although they can come in handy for packaging anything if you sell items on online marketplaces. Don’t forget any boxes that your Christmas food has come in – and pop any plastic packaging in the correct box/bag.
How can I recycle my Christmas Tree?
If you have a potted real Christmas tree, pop it outside and look after it throughout the year – it’ll hopefully serve you for another year! Some local councils offer a collection service for your real trees, or you can look out for people with animals such a goats who munch their way through a fir tree quite quickly. Zoos or wildlife parks may be interested for animal enrichment, have a look on their Facebook pages as they will usually post there. Alternatively, you could cut it into smaller pieces and put it in your garden waste bin for recycling.
Can I recycle Tinsel?
No! Tinsel isn’t recyclable. Reuse as much of it as you can but if in good condition donate it to your local charity shop. If it is beyond it’s best, put it in the general waste bin.
Recycling after a Christmas Party
Celebrations over Christmas and New Year can mean that more glass bottles are used. Give them a quick rinse out and pop these in your recycling boxes with the lids on. Remember to recycle any paper plates, paper cups and tray – rinse them off before recycling – if they are stained put them in with your general waste.
Unwanted Toys and Gifts
If you have unwanted toys and gifts, consider donating them to your local charity shop or a voluntary organisation if they are in a good, safe condition.
View more tips on how to recycle and where by visiting Recycle Now. If you are in need of a House Clearance Service, contact us on 01209 861444 to discuss your requirements or complete the Contact Us Form.